Intake Form

An intake form in professional consulting is a document or questionnaire that a consultant uses to gather essential information about a new client before starting a consulting relationship. It serves as a tool to understand the client's background, goals, challenges, and expectations. The intake form typically covers a range of topics related to the client's personal and professional life, as well as their reasons for seeking consulting.

Here are some common elements found in an intake form for professional consulting:

  • This includes basic details such as the client's name, contact information, age, occupation, and any other relevant demographic information.
  • Clients are asked to articulate their specific goals, objectives, or areas of focus for the coaching relationship. This could involve personal development, career advancement, relationship improvement, etc.
  • Clients provide information about their current circumstances, challenges, and any obstacles they may be facing that prompt them to seek consulting.
  • If applicable, clients may disclose any prior experience with consulting, including what worked well and what did not.
  • Clients outline their expectations for the consulting process, including what they hope to achieve, how they prefer to be supported, and any concerns they may have.
  • Clients may indicate their preferred communication methods, scheduling preferences, and any specific needs or preferences they have regarding the coaching process.
  • Some intake forms include assessment questions or scales to help the consultant understand the client's personality traits, strengths, areas for improvement, etc.
  • Clients are typically asked to acknowledge the consultant's confidentiality policy and agree to the terms and conditions of the consulting relationship.

The intake form serves as a starting point for the consulting process, providing the consultant with valuable insights into the client’s background and objectives. It helps establish a foundation for the consulting relationship and ensures that both the consultant and client are aligned in their understanding of the client’s needs and goals.